Family travel quotes

Family Travel Quotes to Kick Off Your Road Trip

Are you the type of dad who likes to be prepared with a funny travel quote before jetting off on a spontaneous road trip? Traveling with family is more than just a journey; it’s a tapestry of memories woven with laughter, learning, and love and the potential of unending anger and tears.

Our full time travel through petsitting has us road tripping from one destination to the next, and the kids always (pretend to) enjoy when I belt out a fun quick quip to kick us off.

These Family travel quotes capture it all, offering a source of inspiration, reflection and comedic relief as you embark on your adventures. Enjoy this collection of inspirational and funny family travel quotes that resonate with our spirit of family travel.

Be sure to share these with your friends kids. But first, the funnies.

Funny Quotes About Traveling with Kids

As they say, laughter is the ultimate travel companion. There’s no better way to start a family vacation than by setting off with a hearty chuckle. So, let’s dive into these hilarious family travel quotes that perfectly encapsulate the glorious chaos and unforgettable happy memories that family trips often bring. Buckle up, it’s going to be a joyous ride!

Quotes About Family and the Chaos of Family Vacations

“Traveling with kids is like suddenly finding yourself in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language and no one knows your name.”


If you’ve ever traveled with young children, this quote will likely hit close to home. Navigating unfamiliar territory while managing the needs and unpredictable behaviors of your little ones can be chaotic and overwhelming. Family trip quotes like this perfectly capture the feeling of being in an unfamiliar place with kids.

“A two year old is like having a blender that you don’t have the top for.” – Jerry Seinfeld

Whether they are two or twelve, trying to contain our children’s energy, excitement, and emotions while on a family trip is like making a smoothie without a lid. The great Jerry Seinfeld captures the essence of trying to control the chaos of traveling with kids. Your best bet is to change your attitude and expectations ’cause it’s gonna get messy.

“A road trip is a way for the whole family to spend time together and annoy each other in interesting new places.” – Tom Lichtenheld

Ah, the joys of spending long hours in the car with your loved ones. As much as we love our families, let’s be real – we all get on each other’s nerves sometimes. This funny quote finds humor in the inevitable frustrations of family road trips.

Funny Quotes on Packing for a Family Trip

“Do I need a trailer? Did Michaelangeo need a chainsaw?” Charlie Berlins

Of course there’s enough room for everything. There’s no reason to steer clear while I pack the car…again.

“Packing for a family vacation is like playing Tetris but you can never actually win.” – Unknown

We all know the struggle of trying to fit everything our little ones need for a trip into a suitcase. It’s like playing Tetris with no end in sight. This funny family travel quote sums up the never-ending challenge of packing for family trips.

Steer clear while I pack the car no matter how often I say “it looks like we’re in good shape.”

“You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.” – Yogi Berra

Both funny and puzzling, this gem from baseball classic Yogi Berra, this quote perfectly encapsulates the unpredictable yet thrilling nature of family travel. If you want to have a plan, you’ll have to make it for yourself. With or without a plan, remember that the joy is in the journey, not just the destination.

Inspirational Family Travel Quotes

The Power of Words in Travel

Words hold tremendous power, especially when it comes to embarking on new adventures with young children. Family travel quotes have the ability to excite, uplift and set the tone for the journey ahead. As a parent, you have the opportunity to create an atmosphere of excitement and wonder, simply by sharing a few words with your little ones. Whether it’s before boarding a flight or hitting the road, these quotes can be used as a tool to help young minds embrace the idea of travel and open themselves up to new experiences.

“Traveling in the company of those we love, is home in motion.”

Leigh Hunt

When we decided to sell our home and travel full time, we know we were making major sacrifices in our and our kids lives. But we had already learned that home isn’t a physical address; it’s the people we surround ourselves with. So long as I have my family, I am home. This quote speaks to the beauty of traveling together as a family and how it brings us closer even when we’re far from our “home.”

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Batt

Despite the amazing wonders presented before their eyes, I can’t say our kids have ever been left speechless. The adults in the room, however, wholeheartedly relate to this inspirational travel quote. Traveling invites us to experience new cultures, landscapes, and adventures, all of which shape our understanding of the world and provide us with wonderful stories and experiences to share.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

Let this quote serve as a reminder to embrace the adventure that awaits when traveling with your family. It may not always be easy, but it is certainly worth it in the end. Create unforgettable memories and bond with your loved ones by daring to explore new places and experiences together.

The Joy of Discovery in Travel

Embarking on a journey with your family unfolds endless possibilities of discovery. These family travel quotes encapsulate the emotion of unveiling new experiences and learning life lessons on the road.

“Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” – Miriam Beard

This profound quote reflects the transformative power of travel. It’s not just about sightseeing; it’s an opportunity to confront new ideas, perspectives, and ways of life. By exposing our children to these new experiences, we encourage them to develop empathy, understanding, and a broader view of the world.

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

To travel is to turn the pages of the vast, beautiful book we call Earth. Each destination is a new chapter filled with stories, cultures, and lessons. When we travel with our children, we give them the chance to read beyond their one page, opening their minds to the endless stories the world has to tell.

“Adventure is a path. Real adventure, self-determined, self-motivated, often risky, forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world.” – Mark Jenkins

Adventure is the path we choose when we decide to travel as a family. It may be risky and filled with the unknown, but it offers firsthand experiences that stimulate growth, resilience, and understanding. This quote articulates the beauty and essence of adventure in family travels. We are not just observers but participants in the vast, vibrant spectacle of the world.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

When we set off on our full time travel adventures we knew that we had no clue what lied ahead. We had little plans for a particular destination, but knew we wanted to experience the world more fully. Making the decision to take that first step was an incredible inside process for both of us, and Lao Tzu’s quote is a perfect reminder that every journey starts with taking that first step.

Family Travel Quotes from Celebrities

“Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life – and travel – leaves marks on you. Most of the time, those marks – on your body or on your heart – are beautiful. Often, though, they hurt.” Anthony Bourdain

No collection of travel quotes and sayings can be complete without comment from the late great Anthony Bourdain. In this powerful quote, he reminds us that travel not only changes the world we see but also leaves a lasting impact on who we are.

“To travel is to take a journey into yourself.” – Danny Kaye

Traveling as a family allows us to not only explore new destinations, but also learn and grow together. Through the experiences we share while traveling, we have the opportunity to discover more about ourselves and deepen our connection with each other.

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” Anthony Bourdain

This travel quote from Anthony Bourdain resonates deeply with me. Travel has undeniably changed me. I can feel and experience that truth. The depth of this truth makes me certain that it is true for my children as well. Knowing that their world and reality will be shaped by this experience makes all of the stresses and frustrations worthwhile. This powerful travel quote reminds us to step outside our comfort zones and embrace the changes that come with travel.

Family Adventure Quotes

Rich Life Adventures is all about cultivating a life rich in experience and adventure. Naturally, we can’t forget to include a section for our adventurers!

Inspiring Quotes for Young Adventurers

For our young adventurers, these quotes are filled with wisdom and motivation to inspire them to step out into the world, experience life fully, and grow through their journey. Let these words push you and your little ones to dream, explore, and discover the wonders that await.

“You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!” – Dr. Seuss

This adventurous quote from Dr. Seuss is a perfect kickstarter for young explorers. The optimism and excitement in his words inspire one to get up, get out, and embark on their very own adventure.

“Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit.” – Frank Borman

As the astronaut Frank Borman expressed so eloquently, exploration is an inherent part of being human. Embracing this essence allows us to learn, grow, and experience the world in all its diversity and beauty.

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey

Oprah brings a new perspective of adventure in this quote. The real adventure lies not just in exploring the world, but in chasing your dreams, making each day a step toward fulfilling your potential and living your best life.

Making the Most of Family Vacation Memories

It’s thrilling to watch your kids begin exploring the world around them. Our children are our greatest legacy and it’s never too early to begin exploring. One priority we have for our children is happy memories of our family traveling together. No matter how much patience it may require, we have such a brief opportunity to create a close-knit family. We wanted to create precious memories through travel with our kids before their childlike wonder fades away.

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